The six distinguishing characteristics of Shorinji Kempo. Paul Hughes 10 December 2023 SanDan grading.

Paul Huges • June 1, 2024

The six distinguishing characteristics of Shorinji Kempo. Paul Hughes 10 December 2023 SanDan grading.

The six distinguishing characteristics of Shorinji Kempo are Ken Zen Ichinyo, Rikiaifuni, Shushu koju,

Fusatsu Katsujin, goju ittai and Kumite shutai. These are the core of Kaiso's original teachings. These can

be split into three groups how to:

  1. Strengthen ourselves and live our lives, ken zen ichinyo and Riki ai funi. These are the two most import


    2. The way to use our shorinji kempo skills, Shushu koju and Fusatsu katsujin

    3. The best way to train Go ju ittai and Kumite Shutai.

There is also a seventh Fuhai Shoju.”Don't lose!”


Ken zen ichinyo means unity of mind and body. It's the most important concept out of the six. It teaches

that the mind and body are to be trained together in Shorinji Kempo and in all martial arts. As they are so

heavily linked you must not neglect one over the other. They are two side of the same coin. We shouldn't

look at the world in a dualistic way after all you can not have a mind without a body. With our minds we

create the world.

The word “ken” means “fist” but in this instance everything everything related to the physical aspects of

martial arts and the body.

The word “Zen” means meditation but in this instance means “mind.” Or things related to the mind or

Lchinyo means “are one” , unity or oneness.

Martial arts and Shorinji Kempo are designed to promote this unity of mind and body. Exercises that

work both mind and body together to create unity are called shishin ichinyo. This helps to create strong

balanced effective individuals.

It's important not to see things only as relating to the mind or body. Long term strain on the body

can effect our mental health and bad mental healthy can effect the health of our body. The mind of a

heathy person can help heal the body reduce illness . Also if we get sick it's not just our body that is

effected our mind lacks motivation, if we are surprised it's not just our mind that is effected our heart can

skip a beat or we can sweat. A champion chess player vastly improve his game by learning a martial art.

A strong body will help him concentrate for longer. Too must study is no good you body needs exercise if

you want a strong healthy mind. Over time you can rewire the brain so you're genuinely feeling much

stronger and free from anxiety or depression.

Learning to breath properly is a physical thing that effects the mind greatly. It effects our emotional state

and is a very import part of shorinji kempo training. Actors who want to cry on stage deliberately make

their breathing very shallow as it effects the mind so much. It's important to to condition your mind and

body to work together so you don't need to just think what to do in a fight your body knows what to do

because of all your training. So you can be in the moment. And can flow.

Mind and body are extremely linked. When bodhidharma first arrived in China he was rejected by the

Chinese because he told them that Buddhism wasn't about memorising sacred text, or reciting sacred

sutra. All of those started long after Buddhas death. The first buddha achieved enlightenment by simply

meditating under a tree. So Bodhidharma went to meditate in a cave in the mountains for 9 years to stop

his body from getting weak he practised and indian martial and by making his body strong he kept his

mind strong for meditation and enlightenment. After 9 years he was accepted he came down from the cave

and went to the local temple. He found the monks their to be weak from study and meditation so started

teaching them martial arts. So they could go deeper into their meditation also what good is meditation if

they are too weak to defend themselves and are killed. Over time the monks became strong and more

effective this was the beginning of the legendary Shaolin Temple.


Riki Ai Funi literally means “Strength and Love are not two.” It's the second of the two most important

characteristics with ken zen ichinyo. The first two are about how to develop and carry out our lives. Riki

ai funi is for the Dojo and our every day lives. Strength in this instance refers to both physical and mental

strength including intellectual strength. Love in this instance refers to compassion, kindness and

gentleness rather than romantic love.

Funi means not two. And like a Zen riddle Ko-en to free the mind Doshin So asks you to see them as

the same thing inseparable. You can not have one without the other. Strength and intellect with out

compassion will lead to evil and compassion without the strength to back it up is weak and ineffectual.

You must have both and to have both and do the right thing is true strength. Not necessarily just a physical

threat but any kind of injustice. Riki ai funi teaches us to use our strength against injustice and to should

them compassion if they truly repent. Strong but kind.

Riki ai funi teaches us to be a good person as well as a strong one. Teach bad people a lesson and show

everyone a good example through good speech action and deed. Riki ai funi is similar to ken zen

ichinyo in that again it's two important sides to a coin you cant have one without the other.


Literally meaning “defend comes first attacking is secondary.” This falls into the second pair group of

techniques with fusatsu katsujin. The third of 6. These two are about the proper ways to use shorinji

kempo techniques. From a moral point of view it's wrong to strike the first blow after all shorinji Kempo

is a gyo for developing people and isn't about indulging the Ego or acting in revenge for an insult. Kenshi

should always aim to avoid violence if they can. “Keep the piece determine to be true and brave.” aim to

stop two spears the true meaning of Budo.

From a legal perspective is a witness or adversary sees you throw the first blow it can be you being

punished by a court of law. You have to prove you had no other choice and you used reasonable force. It

could easily go against you especially if they are injured or worse. It's best to avoid the fight if you can

but if there's no way out and they take a swing at you then yes defend yourself. The exception to this rule

is shikaku waza and these techniques are always grappling and restraining techniques. Again you must

prove there was no other way out.

From a technical perspective letting your opponent throw the first blow gives you an advantage. As

long as you slip the blow says from a punch his fist is high energy jitsu but the rest of his body is Kyu low

energy so as long as he's committed to that punch his whole body is wide open for a very effective counter

blow. you should use a non aggressive stance as not to provoke him but also leave gaps to trick him into a

predictable attack. Again giving you an advantage.

It's worth considering if you are sure of attack they have effectively started so you can make you more

first. They may also be intoxicated so good judgment is required. What if they have a weapon then this is

clear intent and if there's no way out they can be dealt with more servilely but within reasonable force.


Fusatsu katsujin, This is the fourth of the six characteristics and is paired with Shushu kojo and again is

about the proper use of Shorinji kempo techniques. Do not Kill, but help other people. Literally meaning

“not to kill, people to live.” Shorinji Kempo should never be used to take life rather promote life and

improve life.

Fusatsu means do not to harm in the modern world with all it's safety why is this statement necessary?

Martial art in the passed have been misused to kill also in modern times by organised crime, the Triads

and mafia organisations in China and around the world. Martial arts have been used by the military for

killing in the passed and even now Krav maga teaches techniques that can permanently injure or are

designed to kill. In modern MMA and cage fighting participants fight for money, entertainment, gambling

and personal glory. Shorinji Kempo don't want these things rather the development of the Kenshi and the

society as a whole. Shorinji Kempo is a Gyo. Although injury could happen in a fight using shorinji

kempo you should not aim to and definitely never kill.

Not only would you probably end up in prison if you were to kill but you would certainly have bad energy

Karma for killing someone or injuring. “If you injure you opponent you injure yourself.” “ Hou Shall not


The techniques of Shorinji Kempo are designed deliberately not to kill or cause serious injury they

attack nerve points or cause extreme pain or heavily wind an an opponent. These ideas are covered in the

five points of attemi. Destroying their will to fight or temperately winding so they cant fight or with some

nerve points the ability to fight. Grappling them to the floor and using a painful lock. Rather then breaking

bones. Ideally not damaging them if possible but defiantly never to kill.

Katsujin – Develop human potential. The second part of the phrase asks us to make people live. Not just

not kill but to waken. If you were to take someone's life they will never have the ability to repent and turn

over a new leaf. Use the pain compliance and the attackers defeat as a chance for them to change their

ways and live a good life. Martial arts like Karate have sayings like “one punch, certain death, “ Shorinji

kempo expression is “one punch helps many” Use kempo as a way of improving not just yourself but all

of society friend or foe.


The third and final pair of the six are Goju ittai and kumite Shutai.These two are about how to practice

and train most effectively.

Go Ju Ittai means hard and soft form one whole. The fighting techniques for Shorinji Kempo are normal

classified as Goho hard striking techniques punches kicks blocks and Juho soft grappling techniques. But

as you progress they become inseparable and are always used together. Goho aimes to incapacitate with

atemi it doesn't take as long to learn as Juho. Juho is the soft system similar to jujitsu. Joint locks, eludes,

throws, holds are used. Ways to escape grappling attacks or ways to grapple an opponent. Juho is harder

to learn then goho. It's important to be able to do both as there are situations where they are needed. This

broad approach will give you more options and a better chance of defending yourself safely and with

needing brute or excessive force. From 4th dan onwards they are all taught together. And aren't separated

at all.


Pair-form training is at the heart of Shorinji Kempo. This is the sixth characteristic of Shorinji Kempo.

Single form exercises like in Taiso , single form kihon exercise and kata are extremely useful but should

be seen as the basics that lead on to the pair form work. Like the difference between Gi and jutsu. One

leads on from the other. Martial arts like karate put a lot of put importance on kata, shorinji kempo on the

other hand gives weight to more pair form work. This is for both technical and spiritual reasons.

It's almost impossible to learn many of the techniques without a partner to throw around judge the

distance and timing. Learn the correct amount of power to use the correct points to hit ext. Also pair form

embu are far more impressive than single form. Randori without a partner is impossible and would just

be shadow boxing. Training with a partner is more enjoyable and you help each other to improve. As they

improve so do you. You make good friends and develop interpersonal skills. The murals at the Shaolin

temple show monks from Indian and china training together and smiling it's an import part to training.

Learning to cooperate and get along with people is an important life skill.


You must not lose; winning is secondary. So one should not be looking to win fights rather avoid

them. If you are stuck if you don't see it as defeat it isn't. You can keep going. When you see yourself as

defeated then you are until you reach that point you are not. It's ok to enter completions and win but you

should make your whole purpose about that. Also you should aim to win fights to boost your standing or

ego rather avoid fights unless completely necessary.

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